2021 Military Pay Charts
Updated: December 24, 2022Below are the 2021 military pay charts based on the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. New pay rates went into effect on Jan. 1, 2021 and will be reflected on the paychecks that are issued on Jan. 15, 2021.
In 2022, the military received another pay raise based on the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act.
See 2024 military pay rates and charts here.
Continue below for the historic 2021 military pay charts. Monthly basic pay amounts are rounded to the nearest U.S. dollar.
2021 Military Pay Scale (2 OR LESS to OVER 8)
GRADE | 2 OR LESS | OVER 2 | OVER 3 | OVER 4 | OVER 6 | OVER 8 |
O-10 (*1) | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
O-9 (*1) | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
O-8 (*1) | $11,330 | $11,701 | $11,948 | $12,016 | $12,323 | $12,837 |
O-7 (*1) | $9,414 | $9,851 | $10,054 | $10,215 | $10,506 | $10,794 |
O-6 (*2) | $7,139 | $7,843 | $8,358 | $8,358 | $8,390 | $8,749 |
O-5 | $5,951 | $6,704 | $7,168 | $7,256 | $7,546 | $7,718 |
O-4 | $5,135 | $5,944 | $6,341 | $6,429 | $6,797 | $7,192 |
O-3 (*3) | $4,515 | $5,118 | $5,523 | $6,023 | $6,312 | $6,628 |
O-2 (*3) | $3,901 | $4,443 | $5,117 | $5,290 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
O-1 (*3) | $3,386 | $3,524 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 |
O-3E (*4) | $- | $- | $- | $6,023 | $6,312 | $6,628 |
O-2E (*4) | $- | $- | $- | $5,290 | $5,399 | $5,570 |
O-1E (*4) | $- | $- | $- | $4,261 | $4,550 | $4,718 |
W-5 | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
W-4 | $4,666 | $5,019 | $5,163 | $5,305 | $5,549 | $5,790 |
W-3 | $4,261 | $4,439 | $4,621 | $4,680 | $4,871 | $5,246 |
W-2 | $3,770 | $4,127 | $4,237 | $4,312 | $4,556 | $4,937 |
W-1 | $3,309 | $3,666 | $3,761 | $3,964 | $4,203 | $4,556 |
E-9 | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
E-8 | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $4,615 |
E-7 | $3,208 | $3,501 | $3,635 | $3,812 | $3,951 | $4,190 |
E-6 | $2,774 | $3,053 | $3,188 | $3,319 | $3,455 | $3,763 |
E-5 | $2,542 | $2,713 | $2,844 | $2,978 | $3,187 | $3,406 |
E-4 | $2,330 | $2,450 | $2,582 | $2,714 | $2,829 | $2,829 |
E-3 | $2,104 | $2,236 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 |
E-2 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 |
E-1 > 4 mos | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 |
E-1 < 4 mos | $1,650 | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
Cadet | $1,186 |
2021 Military Pay Scale (Over 10 to Over 20)
GRADE | OVER 10 | OVER 12 | OVER 14 | OVER 16 | OVER 18 | OVER 20 |
O-10 (*1) | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $16,608 |
O-9 (*1) | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $16,013 |
O-8 (*1) | $12,956 | $13,444 | $13,584 | $14,004 | $14,612 | $15,172 |
O-7 (*1) | $11,127 | $11,458 | $11,791 | $12,837 | $13,719 | $13,719 |
O-6 (*2) | $8,797 | $8,797 | $9,297 | $10,181 | $10,699 | $11,218 |
O-5 | $8,099 | $8,380 | $8,741 | $9,293 | $9,556 | $9,816 |
O-4 | $7,684 | $8,067 | $8,333 | $8,486 | $8,574 | $8,574 |
O-3 (*3) | $6,833 | $7,169 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 |
O-2 (*3) | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
O-1 (*3) | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 |
O-3E (*4) | $6,833 | $7,169 | $7,454 | $7,617 | $7,839 | $7,839 |
O-2E (*4) | $5,861 | $6,085 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 |
O-1E (*4) | $4,890 | $5,058 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 |
W-5 | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $8,296 |
W-4 | $6,035 | $6,403 | $6,725 | $7,032 | $7,283 | $7,529 |
W-3 | $5,637 | $5,822 | $6,035 | $6,254 | $6,649 | $6,915 |
W-2 | $5,125 | $5,310 | $5,537 | $5,714 | $5,875 | $6,067 |
W-1 | $4,720 | $4,951 | $5,177 | $5,356 | $5,519 | $5,719 |
E-9 | $5,637 | $5,765 | $5,926 | $6,115 | $6,307 | $6,612 |
E-8 | $4,819 | $4,945 | $5,096 | $5,261 | $5,556 | $5,706 |
E-7 | $4,324 | $4,562 | $4,760 | $4,895 | $5,039 | $5,095 |
E-6 | $3,883 | $4,115 | $4,185 | $4,237 | $4,297 | $4,297 |
E-5 | $3,585 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 |
E-4 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 |
E-3 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 |
E-2 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 |
E-1 > 4 mos | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 |
E-1 < 4 mos | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
2021 Military Pay Scale (Over 22 to Over 32)
GRADE | OVER 22 | OVER 24 | OVER 26 | OVER 28 | OVER 30 | OVER 32 |
O-10 (*1) | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 |
O-9 (*1) | $16,244 | $16,577 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 |
O-8 (*1) | $15,546 | $15,546 | $15,546 | $15,546 | $15,935 | $15,935 |
O-7 (*1) | $13,719 | $13,719 | $13,790 | $13,790 | $14,066 | $14,066 |
O-6 (*2) | $11,513 | $11,812 | $12,391 | $12,391 | $12,638 | $12,638 |
O-5 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 |
O-4 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 |
O-3 (*3) | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 |
O-2 (*3) | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
O-1 (*3) | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 |
O-3E (*4) | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 |
O-2E (*4) | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 |
O-1E (*4) | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 |
W-5 | $8,717 | $9,031 | $9,377 | $9,377 | $9,847 | $9,847 |
W-4 | $7,888 | $8,184 | $8,521 | $8,521 | $8,691 | $8,691 |
W-3 | $7,074 | $7,244 | $7,475 | $7,475 | $7,475 | $7,475 |
W-2 | $6,193 | $6,293 | $6,293 | $6,293 | $6,293 | $6,293 |
W-1 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 |
E-9 | $6,872 | $7,143 | $7,560 | $7,560 | $7,938 | $7,938 |
E-8 | $5,962 | $6,104 | $6,452 | $6,452 | $6,581 | $6,581 |
E-7 | $5,282 | $5,383 | $5,765 | $5,765 | $5,765 | $5,765 |
E-6 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 |
E-5 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 |
E-4 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 |
E-3 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 |
E-2 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 |
E-1 > 4 mos | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 |
E-1 < 4 mos | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- | $- |
2021 Military Pay Scale (Over 34 to Over 40)
GRADE | OVER 34 | OVER 36 | OVER 38 | OVER 40 |
O-10 (*1) | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 |
O-9 (*1) | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 | $16,608 |
O-8 (*1) | $16,333 | $16,333 | $16,333 | $16,333 |
O-7 (*1) | $14,066 | $14,066 | $14,066 | $14,066 |
O-6 (*2) | $12,638 | $12,638 | $12,638 | $12,638 |
O-5 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 | $10,111 |
O-4 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 | $8,574 |
O-3 (*3) | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 | $7,345 |
O-2 (*3) | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 | $5,399 |
O-1 (*3) | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 | $4,261 |
O-3E (*4) | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 | $7,839 |
O-2E (*4) | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 | $6,252 |
O-1E (*4) | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 | $5,290 |
W-5 | $10,339 | $10,339 | $10,856 | $10,856 |
W-4 | $8,691 | $8,691 | $8,691 | $8,691 |
W-3 | $7,475 | $7,475 | $7,475 | $7,475 |
W-2 | $6,293 | $6,293 | $6,293 | $6,293 |
W-1 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 | $5,719 |
E-9 | $8,335 | $8,335 | $8,753 | $8,753 |
E-8 | $6,581 | $6,581 | $6,581 | $6,581 |
E-7 | $5,765 | $5,765 | $5,765 | $5,765 |
E-6 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 | $4,297 |
E-5 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 | $3,607 |
E-4 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 | $2,829 |
E-3 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 | $2,372 |
E-2 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 | $2,001 |
E-1 > 4 mos | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 | $1,785 |
E-1 < 4 mos | $- | $- | $- | $- |
E pay scale is Enlisted, W scale is Warrant Officer, O scale is Commissioned Officer.
*1. Basic pay is limited to the rate of basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule in effect during calendar year 2021, which is $16,608.30 per month for officers at pay grades O-7 through O-10. This includes officers serving as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Space Operations, Commandant of the Coast Guard, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, or commander of a unified or specified combatant command (as defined in 10 U.S.C. 161(c)).
*2. Basic pay is limited to the rate of basic pay for level V of the Executive Schedule in effect during calendar year 2021, which is $13,475.10 per month, for officers at pay grades O-6 and below.
*3 Does not apply to commissioned officers who have been credited with over 4 years of active duty service as an enlisted member or warrant officer.
*4 Reservists with at least 1,460 points as an enlisted member, a warrant officer, or a warrant officer and an enlisted member which are creditable toward reserve retirement also qualify for these rates.
The military pay charts are for all Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, Space Force and reserve forces where applicable. Also, be sure to know your military pay dates.
About Basic Pay
For most service members, basic pay is the largest component of monthly compensation. Allowances are the second largest component and there can be other monetary compensation such as special and incentive payments. All members of the U.S. Armed Forces receive basic pay, although the amount varies by pay grade and years of service. Basic pay is taxable, unlike allowances.
How Basic Pay Increases are Determined
Military basic pay raises are linked to the Employment Cost Index (ECI) and there is a formula for an automatic annual increase in basic pay that is indexed to the annual increase in the ECI. According to statute, a military pay raise is required be equal to the ECI, although Congress and the president often enact increases that are above the ECI. The President has the authority to specify an alternative pay adjustment that supersedes the automatic adjustment.
Other forms of military compensation such as Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) are also subject to periodic adjustments but are computed differently.
Basic Pay Statute
Basic pay is the primary means of compensating members of the armed forces for their service to the country. Except during periods of unauthorized absence, excess leave, and confinement after an enlistment has expired, every member is entitled to basic pay while on active duty. Basic pay is paid to individual members on a regular basis; the amount of basic pay to which a particular member is entitled depends on the member’s pay grade and length of service.
37 U.S.C. 203-205, 1009