2015 Military Pay Charts

Updated: May 13, 2020
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    Uniformed military members, except general and flag officers, received a 1% pay raise in 2015 after signing the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

    The first paycheck reflecting the increase will be Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015, for the pay period Jan. 1, 2015, through Jan. 15, 2015. You can find all military pay dates here.

    See 2024 military pay rates and charts here.

    2015 Military Pay (Less than 2 Years to Over 8)

    O-10 (*1)
    O-9 (*1)
    O-8 (*1)$9,946.20 $10,272.00 $10,488.30 $10,548.60 $10,818.60 $11,269.20
    O-7 (*1)$8,264.40 $8,648.40 $8,826.00 $8,967.30 $9,222.90 $9,475.80
    O-6 (*2)$6,186.60 $6,796.80 $7,242.90 $7,242.90 $7,270.50 $7,582.20
    O-5$5,157.60 $5,810.10 $6,212.10 $6,288.00 $6,539.10 $6,689.10
    O-4$4,449.90 $5,151.30 $5,495.10 $5,571.60 $5,890.50 $6,232.80
    O-3$3,912.60 $4,435.20 $4,787.10 $5,219.40 $5,469.60 $5,744.10
    O-2$3,380.70 $3,850.20 $4,434.30 $4,584.00 $4,678.50 $4,678.50
    O-1$2,934.30 $3,054.30 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10
    O-3 (*3)$5,219.40 $5,469.60 $5,744.10
    O-2 (*3)$4,584.00 $4,678.50 $4,827.60
    O-1 (*3)$3,692.10 $3,942.30 $4,088.40
    W-4$4,043.40 $4,349.70 $4,474.20 $4,597.20 $4,808.70 $5,018.10
    W-3$3,692.40 $3,846.30 $4,004.10 $4,056.00 $4,221.30 $4,546.80
    W-2$3,267.30 $3,576.30 $3,671.70 $3,736.80 $3,948.90 $4,278.30
    W-1$2,868.30 $3,176.70 $3,259.80 $3,435.00 $3,642.60 $3,948.30
    E-9 (*4)
    E-7$2,780.10 $3,034.20 $3,150.30 $3,304.20 $3,424.50 $3,630.90
    E-6$2,404.50 $2,645.70 $2,762.40 $2,876.10 $2,994.60 $3,261.00
    E-5$2,202.90 $2,350.80 $2,464.50 $2,580.60 $2,761.80 $2,951.40
    E-4$2,019.60 $2,122.80 $2,238.00 $2,351.40 $2,451.60 $2,451.60
    E-3$1,823.40 $1,938.00 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30
    E-2$1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00
    E-1 (*6)$1,546.80

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    2015 Military Pay (10 to 20 Years)

    O-10 (*1)$16,072.20
    O-9 (*1)$14,056.80
    O-8 (*1)$11,373.90 $11,802.00 $11,924.70 $12,293.40 $12,827.10 $13,319.10
    O-7 (*1)$9,767.70 $10,059.00 $10,351.20 $11,269.20 $12,043.80 $12,043.80
    O-6 (*2)$7,623.30 $7,623.30 $8,056.50 $8,822.40 $9,272.10 $9,721.50
    O-5$7,019.10 $7,261.50 $7,574.70 $8,053.80 $8,281.20 $8,506.50
    O-4$6,659.10 $6,990.60 $7,221.00 $7,353.60 $7,430.10 $7,430.10
    O-3$5,921.10 $6,213.00 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40
    O-2$4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50
    O-1$3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10
    O-3 (*3)$5,921.10 $6,213.00 $6,459.30 $6,600.90 $6,793.20 $6,793.20
    O-2 (*3)$5,079.00 $5,273.10 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00
    O-1 (*3)$4,237.20 $4,383.60 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00
    W-4$5,229.90 $5,548.80 $5,828.10 $6,094.20 $6,311.70 $6,523.80
    W-3$4,885.50 $5,045.10 $5,229.60 $5,419.80 $5,761.50 $5,992.50
    W-2$4,441.50 $4,602.00 $4,798.50 $4,951.80 $5,091.00 $5,257.50
    W-1$4,091.10 $4,290.30 $4,486.80 $4,641.30 $4,783.20 $4,956.00
    E-9 (*4)$4,885.20 $4,995.90 $5,135.40 $5,299.20 $5,465.10 $5,730.30
    E-8$4,175.70 $4,285.20 $4,416.60 $4,558.80 $4,815.30 $4,945.20
    E-7$3,747.00 $3,953.40 $4,125.00 $4,242.30 $4,367.10 $4,415.40
    E-6$3,364.80 $3,565.80 $3,627.30 $3,672.00 $3,724.20 $3,724.20
    E-5$3,107.10 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70
    E-4$2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60
    E-3$2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30
    E-2$1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00
    E-1 (*6)

    2015 Military Pay Scales (22 to 32 Years)

    O-10 (*1)$16,150.50 $16,486.80 $17,071.50 $17,071.50 $17,925.30 $17,925.30
    O-9 (*1)$14,259.90 $14,552.10 $15,062.40 $15,062.40 $15,816.00 $15,816.00
    O-8 (*1)$13,647.30 $13,647.30 $13,647.30 $13,647.30 $13,989.00 $13,989.00
    O-7 (*1)$12,043.80 $12,043.80 $12,105.60 $12,105.60 $12,347.70 $12,347.70
    O-6 (*2)$9,977.10 $10,236.00 $10,738.20 $10,738.20 $10,952.40 $10,952.40
    O-5$8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40
    O-4$7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10
    O-3$6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40
    O-2$4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50
    O-1$3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10
    O-3 (*3)$6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20
    O-2 (*3)$5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00
    O-1 (*3)$4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00
    W-5$7,554.30 $7,825.80 $8,126.70 $8,126.70 $8,533.50 $8,533.50
    W-4$6,835.80 $7,092.00 $7,384.20 $7,384.20 $7,531.80 $7,531.80
    W-3$6,130.50 $6,277.50 $6,477.30 $6,477.30 $6,477.30 $6,477.30
    W-2$5,366.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70
    W-1$4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00
    E-9 (*4)$5,954.70 $6,190.50 $6,551.70 $6,551.70 $6,879.00 $6,879.00
    E-8$5,166.60 $5,289.30 $5,591.40 $5,591.40 $5,703.60 $5,703.60
    E-7$4,577.70 $4,664.70 $4,996.20 $4,996.20 $4,996.20 $4,996.20
    E-6$3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20
    E-5$3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70
    E-4$2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60
    E-3$2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30
    E-2$1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00

    2015 Military Pay (34 to 40 Years)

    O-10 (*1)$18,821.10 $18,821.10 $19,762.50 $19,762.50
    O-9 (*1)$16,606.80 $16,606.80 $17,436.90 $17,436.90
    O-8 (*1)$14,338.50 $14,338.50 $14,338.50 $14,338.50
    O-7 (*1)$12,347.70 $12,347.70 $12,347.70 $12,347.70
    O-6 (*2)$10,952.40 $10,952.40 $10,952.40 $10,952.40
    O-5$8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40 $8,762.40
    O-4$7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10 $7,430.10
    O-3$6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40 $6,365.40
    O-2$4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50 $4,678.50
    O-1$3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10 $3,692.10
    O-3 (*3)$6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20 $6,793.20
    O-2 (*3)$5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00 $5,418.00
    O-1 (*3)$4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00 $4,584.00
    W-5$8,959.80 $8,959.80 $9,408.30 $9,408.30
    W-4$7,531.80 $7,531.80 $7,531.80 $7,531.80
    W-3$6,477.30 $6,477.30 $6,477.30 $6,477.30
    W-2$5,453.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70 $5,453.70
    W-1$4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00 $4,956.00
    E-9 (*4)$7,223.10 $7,223.10 $7,584.60 $7,584.60
    E-8$5,703.60 $5,703.60 $5,703.60 $5,703.60
    E-7$4,996.20 $4,996.20 $4,996.20 $4,996.20
    E-6$3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20 $3,724.20
    E-5$3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70 $3,125.70
    E-4$2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60 $2,451.60
    E-3$2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30 $2,055.30
    E-2$1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00 $1,734.00

    1.  Basic pay for an O-7 to O-10 is limited by Level II of the Executive Schedule which is $15,125.10. Basic pay for O-6 and below is limited by Level V of the Executive Schedule which is 12,391.80.
    2.  While serving as Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff/Vice Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Chief of Navy Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Army/Air Force Chief of Staff, Chief of the National Guard Bureau Commander of a unified or specified combatant command, basic pay is $21,147.30. (See note 1 above).
    3.  Applicable to O-1 to O-3 with at least 4 years and 1 day of active duty or more than 1460 points as a warrant and/or enlisted member. See Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations for more detailed explanation on who is eligible for this special basic pay rate.
    4.  For the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, Chief Master Sergeant of the AF, Sergeant Major of the Army or Marine Corps or Senior Enlisted Advisor of the JCS, basic pay is $7,894.50. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion for O-1 and above is based on this basic pay rate plus Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay which is $225.00.

    The military pay charts are for all U.S. Armed Forces personnel Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy, and Reserves forces where applicable.

    FY2015 Military Pay Coverage

    The proposed military pay increase for FY 2015 was 1%, according to the FY 2015 defense budget. The House of Representatives passed a 1.8% version, but the Democrat-controlled Senate did not agree.

    The Department of Defense (DoD) recommended the 1% increase based on the need to slow the growth in military pay. Lietenant General Mark F. Ramsay said, “We were guided by the principles of we were not looking at cutting anybody’s pay. We’re looking at slowing the growth of pay and allowances.”

    However, these changes are disproportionately small compared to other budget categories.

    Private sector wage growth was 1.8% in 2014, and in the past, military pay followed this percentage. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. 

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Cost Index now determines military pay. However, by law Title 37, Chapter 19, Section 1009), the president can set an alternate pay raise.

    2015 Military Pay Timeline of Events

    • February 2014 – DoD Submits 1% Pay.
    • April 2014– Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2015 released by President Obama.
    • May 2014 – House Appropriations Committee approved a 1.8% military pay increase and passed by the House of Representatives.
    • Dec. 2, 2014 – Congress agrees in principle to limit military pay to 1%.
    • Dec. 4, 2014 – House of Representatives passed the NDAA.
    • Dec. 11th, 2014 – Senate passed the NDAA.
    • Dec. 19, 2014 – President Obama signed the NDAA into law.
    Written by Veteran.com Team

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