Military Acronyms and Abbreviations
Updated: February 14, 2023Here is a long list of military acronyms, abbreviations and associated terms including slang, informal and Department of Defense (DOD) approved terminology. Browse through the acronym list letter by letter or use the search box to quickly look up an acronym and its meaning.
Military Acronyms & Abbreviations
Acronym | Meaning |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
AA | Air-to-Air |
AA | Anti-Aircraft |
AAA | Anti-Aircraft Artillery |
AAAV | Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
AADC | Area Air Defense Commander |
AAFES | Army Air Force Exchange System |
AAFES | Army and Air Force Exchange Service |
AAM | Air-to-Air Missile |
AAMG | Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun |
AAP | American Academy of Pediatrics |
AAV | Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
AAV | Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
AAV | Assault Amphibian Vehicle |
AAVC | Assault Amphibian Vehicle, Command |
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile |
AC | Active Component |
ACC | Air Combat Command |
ACFT | Army Combat Fitness Test |
ACM | Air Combat Maneuvering |
ACMI | Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation |
ACMR | Air Combat Maneuvering Range |
ACO | Airspace Control Order |
ACP | Armored Command Post |
ACSI | American Customer Satisfaction Index |
ACU | Army Combat Uniform |
ACU | Assault Craft Unit |
ADATS | Air Defense Anti-Tank System |
ADF | Australian Defense Force |
ADFM | Active-Duty Family Member |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone |
ADWC | Air Defense Warning Condition |
AETF | Air Expeditionary task force |
AEV | Armored Engineer Vehicle |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
AEW&C | Airborne Early Warning and Control |
AF | Air Force |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFD | Automatic Feeding Device |
AFMC | Air Force Material Command |
AFV | Armored Fighting Vehicle |
AIFV | Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
AIP | Assignment Incentive Pay |
AIRSUPREQ | Air Support Request |
AIT | Advanced Individual Training |
AIT or “A School” | Advanced Individual Training |
ALBM | Air Launched Ballistic Missile |
ALCM | Air Launched Cruise Missile |
ALCT | Airlift Control Team |
ALERTORD | Alert Order |
AMC | Air Mobility Command |
AMC | Air Mobility Command |
AMCT | Air Mobility Control Team |
AMD | Air Mobility Division |
AMLO | Air Mobility Liaison Officer |
AMR | Anti-Material Rifle |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
ANG | Air National Guard |
AOC | Air Operations Center |
AP | Armor Piercing |
APAM | Anti-Personnel, Anti-Material |
APC | Armored Personnel Carrier |
APDS | Armor-Piercing, Discarding Sabot |
APDS-T | Armor-Piercing, Discarding Sabot (Tracer) |
APF | Appropriated Funds |
APFSDS | Armor Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot |
APHE | Armor Piercing, High-Explosive |
AP-T | Armor Piercing - Tracer |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
ARCT | Air Refueling Control Team |
ARM | Anti-Radiation Missile |
ARRV | Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
ARSOF | Army special operations forces |
ARV | Armored Recovery Vehicle |
AS | Anti-Ship |
ASG | Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence |
ASM | Air-to-Surface Missile |
ASM | Anti-Ship Missle |
ASPJ | Airborne Self-Protection Jammer |
ASRAAM | Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile |
AST | Air Staff Target |
ASTOVL | Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
ASuW | Anti-Surface Warfare |
ASV | Anti-Surface Vessel |
ASVAB | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery |
ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare |
AT | Anti-Tank |
ATBM | Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Section |
ATGW | Anti-Tank Guided Weapon |
ATR | Anti-Tank Rifle |
AUW | All-Up Weight |
AVL | Anti-Vehicle Land Mine |
AVLB | Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge |
AWACS | Airborne WArning and Control System |
B | Bomber designation (as in B-52 Stratofortress) |
BAG | Budget Activity Group |
BAH | Basic Allowance for Housing |
BAH | Basic Housing Allowance |
BAHC | Basic Allowance for Health Care |
BAS | Basic Allowance for Subsistence |
BCT | Basic Combat Training |
BDOC | Base Defense Operations Center |
BDU | Battle Dress Uniform |
BDZ | Base Defense Zone |
BEC | Benefits Executive Committee |
BM | Ballistic Missile |
BMCT | Begin Morning Civil Twilight |
BMNT | Begin Morning Nautical Twilight |
BOD | Board of Directors |
BPLAN | Base Plan |
BRS | Blended Retirement System |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
BZ | Buffer Zone |
C2 | Command and Control |
C3 | Command, Control and Communications |
C3I | Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting |
CAHPS | Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
CAS | Close-Air Support |
CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation |
CAWS | Close Assault Weapon System |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CC | Command & Control |
CCDR | Combatant Commander |
CCHHS | Cook County Health and Hospital System |
CCMD | Combatant Command |
CCV | Command & Control Vehicle |
CDC | Child Development Center |
CDP | Child Development Program |
CDU | Control Display Unit |
CEA | Circular Error Average |
CEB | Cooperative Efforts Board |
CEP | Circular Error Probable |
CEV | Combat Engineer/Engineering Vehicle |
CFE | Conventional Forces Europe |
CFL | Coordinated FireLine |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFV | Cavalry Fighting Vehicle |
CIWS | Close-In Weapon System (US) |
CLEP | College Level Examinations Program |
CLS | Combat Life Saver |
CM | Cruise Missile |
CMAC | CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge |
CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
CO | Commanding Officer |
CO | Commanding Officer |
COA | Course of Action |
COG | Center of Gravity |
COIN | Counter-Insurgency |
COL | Colonel |
COLA | Cost of Living Allowance |
CONUS | Continental U.S. |
COOP | Continuity of Operations |
CP | Contact Point |
CP | Continuation Pay |
CPG | Contingency Planning Guidance |
CPL | Corporal |
CPT | Captain |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
CRARRV | Challenger Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
CRBM | Close-Range Ballistic Missile |
CRDP | Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay |
CRSC | Combat Related Special Compensation |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CSB | Close-Support Bridge |
CSP | Critical Skills Pay |
C-STARS | Centers for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (USAF) |
CTS | Close-To-Shore |
CV | Combat Vehicle |
CV | Conventionally Powered aircraft carrier (USN) |
CVN | Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered (US) |
CVRT | Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked |
CVW | Carrier Air Wing |
CWC | Composite Warfare Commander |
CWMD | Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction |
CZTE | Combate Zone Tax Exclusion |
DA | Department of the Air Force |
DA | Direct Action |
DA | Double Agent |
DACMC | Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation |
DAF | Defense Information Systems Network |
DANTES | Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support |
DASC(A) | Direct Air Support Center (Airborne) |
DB | Defined Benefit |
DC | Defined Contribution |
DeCA | Defense Commissary Agency |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
DEFCON | Defense Readiness Condition |
DEPORD | Deployment Order |
DeRA | Defense Resale Activity |
DEW | Distant Early Warning (US) |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
DFC | Distinguished Flying Cross: Air Force decoration |
DFGL | Distinct Faith Group Leader |
DGPS | Differential GPS |
DHA | Defense Health Agency |
DIC | Dependency and Indemnity Compensation |
DITY | Do-It-Yourself |
DLA | Dislocation Allowance |
DLTP | Defence Logistics Transformation Program |
DMDC | Defense Manpower Data Center |
DMHS | Defense Message Handling System |
DMR | Designated Marksman Rifle |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DoD | Department of Defense (United States) |
DoDI | DoD Instruction |
DoDTR | Department of Defense Trauma Registry |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
DON | Department of the Navy |
DP | Dual-Purpose |
DRB | Discharge Review Board |
DRM | Dynamic Retention Model (RAND) |
DRO | Decision Review Officer |
DVI | Direct Voice Input |
DVOP | Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program |
DZ | Drop Zone |
DZ | Drop Zone |
E | Enlisted |
EAD | Earliest Arrival Date |
EAOS | End of Active Obligated Service |
EAS | End of Active Service |
EBT | Electronic Benefit Transfer |
ECCM | Electronic Counter CounterMeasures |
ECHO | Extended Care Health Option |
ECM | Electronic CounterMeasures |
ECR | Electronic Combat Reconnaissance |
EECT | End Evening Civil Twilight |
EENT | End of Evening Nautical Twilight |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument System |
EFM | Exceptional Family Member |
EFMP | Exceptional Family Member Program |
EH | Explosive Hazard |
EHHC | ECHO Home Health Care |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
ELINT | ELectronic INTelligence |
EMC | Essential Medical Capability |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse |
EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
EP | Emergency Preparedness |
ERA | Explosive Reactive Armor |
ERC | en Route Care |
ERISA | Employee Retirement Income Security Act |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
eshp | Equivalent Shaft Horsepower |
ESM | Electronic Support Measures |
EW | Early Warning |
EW | Electronic Warfare |
EW | Electronic Warning |
EWA | Electronic Warfare Aircraft |
F | Fighter designation (as in F-15 Eagle) |
FA | Frontal Aviation |
FAC | Forward Air Control / Forward Air Controller |
FAE | Fuel Air Explosives |
FAV | Fast Attack Vehicle |
FBW | Fly-by-Wire |
FCC | Family Child Care |
FCS | Fire Control System |
FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
FDO | Flight Deck Officer |
FEBA | Forward Edge of the Battle Area |
FEBA | Foward Edge of Battle Area |
FEDVIP | Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program |
FEHBP | Federal Employees Health Benefits Program |
FFA | Free-Fire Area |
FFAR | Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket |
FFS | Fee-For-Service |
FHCC | Federal Health Care Center |
FIE | Fly-In Echelon |
FIFV | Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
FLIR | Forward Looking Infrared |
FLPB | Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus |
FLTCIP | Federal Longer Term Care Insurance Program |
FMC | Food Machinery Corporation |
FMF | Fleet Marine Force |
FMR | Financial Management Regulation |
FMS | Foreign Military Sale (US) |
FMWG | Financial Management Working Group |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOC | Final Operating Capabilities |
FOD | Foreign Object Damage |
FOS | Forward Operating Site |
FSA | Family Separation Allowance |
FSSA | Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance |
FUBAR | Fouled' Up Beyond All Recognition |
FV | Fighting Vehicle |
GAM | GPS-Aided Munition |
GAO | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
GATES | Global Air Transportation Execution System |
GCI | Ground-Controlled Intercept |
GCT | Grande Cadence de Tir (France) |
GE | General Electric |
GIB | GI Bill |
GMI | General Military Intelligence |
GP | General Purpose |
GPMG | General Purpose Machine Gun |
GPMRC | Global Patient Movement Requirements Center |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
HCBS | Home and Community-Based Services |
HCSDB | Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries |
HD | Homeland Defense |
HDP-L | Hardship Duty Pay Locations |
HE | High Explosive |
HEAP | High Explosive, Anti-Personnel |
HEAT | High Explosive, Anti-Tank |
HEAT-FS | High Explosive, Anti-Tank - Fin Stabilized |
HEC | Health Executive Committee |
HEDIS | Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set |
HE-FRAG | High Explosive-Fragmentation |
HEI | High Explosive Incendiary |
HEMAT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer |
HEP | High Explosive Plastic |
HESH | High Explosive Squash Head |
HE-T | High Explosive - Tracer |
HMG | Heavy Machine u Gun |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
HOB | Height of Burst |
HOC | Humanitarian Operations Center |
HOTAS | Hands-On-Throttle-and-Stick |
HOTCC | Hands on Throttle, Collective and Cyclic |
HPT | High-Payoff Target |
HQ | Headquarter(s) |
HR | Hostage Rescue |
HRP | High-Risk personnel |
HS | Homeland Security |
HUD | Head Up Display |
HUDWAC | Head Up Display Weapon Aiming Computer |
HUDWASS | Head Up Display Weapon Aiming SubSystem |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
HVAP | High Velocity Armor Piercing |
HVM | High Velocity Missile |
HVT | High-Value Target |
IADS | Integrated Air Defense System |
IAMD | Integrated Air and Missile Defense |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed Shown |
IC3 | Interagency Care Coordination Committee |
ICBM | InterContinental Ballistic Missile |
ICBM | Intercontinental Ballistic Missile |
IDA | Institute for Defense Analyses |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
iEHR | Integrated Electronic Health Record |
IFF | Identification Friend or Foe |
IFF | Identification, Friend or Foe |
IFV | Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
IGE | In Ground Effect |
IIR | Intelligence Information report |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
IOC | Initial Operating Capabilities |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
IPO | Interagency Program Office |
IR | InfraRed |
IRAN | Inspect and Repair as Necessary |
IRBM | Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile |
IRBM | Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile |
IRCM | Infra-Red CounterMeasure |
IRR | Individual Ready Reserve |
IRS | Inertial Reference System |
IRST | Infra-Red Search-and-Track |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
ISOPREP | Isolated Personnel Report |
IT | Information Technology |
JA | Judge Advocate |
JAAT | Joint Air Attack Team |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
JAGIC | Joint Air-Ground Integration Center |
JAOC | Joint Air Operations Center |
JAOP | Joint Air Operations Plan |
JAST | Joint Advanced Strike Technology |
JCN | Joint Communications Network |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
JEC | Joint Executive Committee |
JEZ | Joint Engagement Zone |
JFCH | Joint Force Chaplain |
JFO | Joint Field Office |
JIF | Joint Incentive Fund |
JIOC | Joint Intelligence Operations Center |
JIOO | Joint Interrogation Operations |
JLOC | Joint Logistics Operations Center |
JMROC | Joint Medical Readiness Oversight Council |
JOA | Joint Operations Area |
JOC | Joint Operations Center |
Joint-STARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System |
JRC | Joint Readiness Command |
JS | Joint Staff |
JSC | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
JSF | Joint Strike Fighter |
JSOW | Joint Stand-Off Weapon |
JSP | Joint Strategic Plan |
JTB | Joint Transportation Board |
JTF | Joint Task Force |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
JVSG | Jobs for Veterans State Grant |
KCAS | Calibrated AirSpeed (in Knots) |
KIAS | Knots Indicated AirSpeed |
KTAS | True AirSpeed in Knots |
LA | Lead Agent |
LABS | Low Altitude Bombing System |
LAD | Latest Arrival Date |
LAD | Launch Area Denied |
LAMPS | Light Airborne MultiPurpose System |
LANTIRN | Low Altitude Targeting InfraRed for Night |
LAPES | Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System |
LARS | Light Artillery Rocket System |
LAV | Light Armored Vehicle |
LAV | Light Assault Vehicle |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LCS | Littoral Combat Ship |
LEA | Law Enforcement Agency |
LES | Leave and Earnings Statement |
LF | Low Frequency (30 to 300 kHz) |
LGB | Laser-Guided Bomb |
LGW | Laser-Guided Weapon |
LLLTV | Low Light Level Television |
LMG | Light Machine Gun |
LMI | Logistics Management Institute |
LO | Low Observables |
LOA | Letter of Authorization |
LOA | Letter of Offer and Acceptance |
LOC | Line of Communications |
LOR | Launch on Remote |
LPT | Low Profile Turret |
LRMP | Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
LT | Lieutenant |
LT | Light Tank |
LVER | Local Veterans’ Employment Representative |
LVTP | Landing Vehicle Tracked Personnel |
LZ | Landing Zone |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
MAC | Military Airlift Command |
MACH | Measure of Airspeed (Mach 1 = 1,223 kph/760 mph at sea level) |
MAD | Magnetic Anomaly Detector |
MAJ | Major |
MAP | Medical Advisory Panel |
MAP | Military Assistance Program |
MARAD RRF | Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force |
MAW | Marine Air Wing (USMC) |
MAXORD | Maximum Ordinate |
MBT | Main Battle Tank |
MCCS | Marine Corps Community Services |
MCM | Mine Countermeasures |
MCM | Mine Countermeasures |
MCRMC | Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission |
MCSC | Managed Care Support Contract |
MCX | Marine Corps Exchange |
MD | Missile Defense |
MDA | Muster Duty Allowance |
MEPS | Military Entrance Processing Station |
MERHCF | Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund |
MEZ | Missile Engagement Zone |
MFD | Multi-Function Display |
MG | Machine Gun |
MGIB | Montgomery GI Bill |
MGIB-AD | Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty |
MGIB-SR | Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve |
MHA | Military Housing Allowance |
MHA | Military Housing Area |
MHS | Military Health System |
MHS | Military Health System |
MIA | Missing in Action |
MIB | Military Intelligence Board |
MIDB | Modernized Integrated Database |
MILCON | military construction |
MILCON | Military Construction |
MILDEC | military deception |
MILDEP | Military Department |
MILPERS | Military Personnel |
MILSPEC | Military Specification |
MILSTAMP | Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures |
MILSTRIP | Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure |
MILTECH | Military technician |
MIW | Mine Warfare |
MLA | Military Lending Act |
MLRS | Multiple Launch Rocket System |
MLU | Mid-Life Update |
MMG | Medium Machine Gun |
MNF | Multinational Force |
MOB | Main Operating Base |
MOC | Media Operations Center |
MOLLE or M.O.L.L.E. | MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment |
MOS | Military Occupational Specialty |
MP | Machine Pistol |
MPA | Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
MPC | Multi-Purpose Carrier |
MPO | Military Post Office |
MPS | Military Postal Service |
MPSA | Military Postal Service Agency |
MR | Maritime Reconnaissance |
MRAV | Multi-Role Armored Vehicle |
MRBM | Medium Range Ballistic Missile |
MRBM | Medium-Range Ballistic Missile |
MRF | Military Retirement F |
MRR | Minimum-Risk Route |
MSC | Military Sealift Command |
MSF | Mobile Security Force |
MSIP | Multi-Stage Improvement Program |
MSP | Maritime Security Program |
MSR | Main Supply Route |
MSRRA | Military Spouse Residency Relief Act |
MTF | Medical Treatment Facility |
MTOW | Maximum Take-Off Weight |
MWR | Morale, Welfare & Recreation |
MyCAA | Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts |
NAF | Nonappropriated Funds |
NAF | Nonappropriated Funds |
NAI | Named Area of Interest |
NAS | Naval Air Station |
NASA | National Aeronautics & Space Administration |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAVSOF | Navy Special Operations Forces |
NBC | Nuclear, Biological and Chemical |
NBI | Nonbattle Injury |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NCP | Normal Cost Payments |
NCR | National Capital Region |
NCS | National Communications System |
NDAA | National Defense Authorization Act |
NDMS | National Disaster Medical System |
NDRC | National Detainee Reporting Center |
NDRF | National Defense Reserve Fleet |
NEX | Navy Exchange |
NEXCOM | Navy Exchange Command |
NEXMART | Navy Exchange Market |
NFA | No-Fire Area |
NFLS | Naval Forward Logistic Site |
NGFS | Naval Gunfire Support |
NGO | Nongovernmental Organization |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
NLW | Nonlethal Weapon |
nm | Nautical Mile |
NMCS | National Military Command System |
NMCS | Not Mission Capable, Supply |
NMS | National Military Strategy |
NOC | National Operations Center |
NOE | Nap of the Earth |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSFS | Naval Surface Fire Support |
NSL | No-Strike List |
NSW | Naval Special Warfare |
NVD | Night Vision Device |
O | Officer |
O&M | Operation and Maintenance |
O&M | Operations and Maintenance |
OA | Objective Area |
OACT | Office of the Actuary (DoD) |
OC | Operations Center |
OCA | Offensive Counterair |
OCO | Offensive Cyberspace Operations |
OCONUS | Outside the Continental U.S. |
OCS | Officer Candidate School |
OCU | Operational Conversion Unit |
OFCO | Offensive Counterintelligence Operation |
OGE | Out of Ground Effect |
OHA | Overseas Housing Allowance |
OOD | Officer of the Deck |
OOP | Out-of-Pocket |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPLAN | Operation Plan |
OPM | U.S. Office of Personnel Management |
OPORD | Operation Order |
OPSEC | Operational Security |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
OSA | Operational Support Airlift |
OSC | On-Scene Commander |
OSINT | Open-Source Intelligence |
OTC | Officer in Tactical Command |
OTH | Over-the-Horizon |
OTH-B | Over-The-Horizon Backscatter radar |
OTHR | Over-The-Horizon Radar |
OTHT | Over-The-Horizon Targeting |
PACAF | Pacific Air Force (USAF) |
PAR | Population at Risk |
PB | Peace Building |
PCM | Primary Care Manager |
PCS | Permanent Change of Station |
PD | Probability of Damage |
PDRL | Permanently Disabled Retired List |
PFC | Private First Class |
PFM | Personal Financial Management |
PFT | Physical Fitness Test |
PGM | Precision-Guided Munition |
PGM | Precision-Guided Munition |
PID | Passive IDentification |
PID | Positive Identification |
PII | Personally Identifiable Identification |
PL | Phase Line |
PLANORD | Planning Order |
PLB | Personal Locator Beacon |
PM | Peacemaking |
PNGDF | Papua New Guinea Defense Force |
PO | Peace Operations |
POC | Point of Contact |
POC | Privately Owned Conveyance |
POD | Port of Debarkation |
POE | Port of Embarkation |
POW | Prisoner of War |
PPBE | Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution |
PPE | personal Protective Equipment |
PPM | Personally Procured Move |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PR | Personnel Recovery |
PRC | Presidential Reserve Call-Up |
PSAS | Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service |
PT | Physical Training |
PTC | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee |
PTDO | Prepare to Deploy Order |
PTG | Poseur de Travures du Genie (France) |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
PTTI | Precise Time and Time Interval |
PUK | Packup Kit |
PV | Perceived Value |
PVT | Private |
PX | Post Exchange |
R&D | Research & Development |
R&R | Rest and Recuperation |
RA | Risk Assessment |
RAAWS | Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System |
RAM | Radar Absorbing Material |
RAST | Recovery Assist, Secure and Traverse system |
RATO | Rocket-Assisted Take-Off |
RC | Reserve Component |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
RCS | Radar Cross-Section |
RDD | Radiological Dispersal Device |
REAP | Reserve Education Assistance Program |
Recce | Reconnaissance |
RED | Radiological Exposure Device |
RESCAP | Rescue Combat Air Patrol |
RFA | Restrictive Fire Area |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFL | Restrictive Fire Line |
RHPO | Regional Health Planning Organization |
RI | Relative Importance |
RISE | Reliability Improved Selected Equipment |
RM | Risk Management |
RMG | Ranging Machine Gun |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROZ | Restricted Operations Zone |
RP | Rocket Propelled |
RPG | Rocket Propelled Grenade |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RPM | Rounds Per Minute |
RPV | Remotely-Piloted Vehicle |
RR | Reattack Recommendation |
RRCC | Regional Response Coordination Center |
RSA | Resource Sharing Agreement |
RSO | Regional Security Officer |
RT | Recovery Team |
RTB | Return to Base |
RVU | Relative Value Unit |
RWR | Radar Warning Receiver |
SA | Surface-to-Air |
SAC | School-Age Care |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
SAFE kit | Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit |
SAM | Surface-to-Air Missile |
SAP | Special Access Program |
SAR | Search And Rescue |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAS | Special Air Service |
SBA | Small Business Administration |
SBP | Survivor Benefit Plan |
SCAR | Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance |
SCRA | Servicemembers Civil Relief Act |
SDT | Second Destination Transportation |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses |
SEALs | SEA, Air and Land (USN) |
SENSO | SENSor Operator |
SEP | Systems Enhancement Package |
SFG | Special Forces Group |
SGLI | Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance |
SGT | Sergeant |
SHORADEZ | Short-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone |
Sigint | SIGnals INTelligence |
SIPRNET | SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network |
SITREP | Situation Report |
SJA | Staff Judge Advocate |
SLAP | Saboted Light Armor Penetrator |
SLAR | Side-Looking Airborne Radar |
SLEP | Service Life Extension Program |
SLS | Shoot-Look-Shoot |
SMC | Specialized Military Condition |
SMG | SubMachine Gun |
SMU | Special Mission Unit |
SNAFU | Situation Normal, All 'Fouled' Up |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
SOCOM | Special Operations Command |
SOF | Special Operations Forces |
SOLRS | Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOTF | Special Operations Task Force |
SOUTHAF | Southern Command Air Forces |
SP | Self-Propelled |
SP | Specialist (when referred in a soldiers rank) |
SPAAG | Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun |
SPAWAR | The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command |
SPG | Self-Propelled Gun |
SPOTREP | Spot Report |
SR | Special Reconnaissance |
SRAM | Short Range Attack Missile |
SRBM | Short-Range Ballistic Missile |
SRUF | Standing Rules For the Use of Force |
SSM | Surface-to-Surface Missile |
STC | Shock Trauma Center |
STO | Short Take-Off |
STOL | Short Take-Off and Landing |
STOL | Short Takeoff and Landing |
STOVL | Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
SUW | Surface Warfare |
TA | Tuition Assistance |
TA | Target Audience |
TA | Threat Assessment |
TAC | Tactical Air Command |
TACAMO | TAke Charge And Move Out |
TACAN | TACtical Aid to Navigation |
TACCO | TACtical COordinator |
TACON | Tactical Control |
TAI | Target Area of Interest |
TAMP | Transition Assistance Management Program |
TANS | Tactical Air Navigation System |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls |
TBT | Tank Bridge Transporter |
TCCC | Tactical Combat Casualty Care |
TCF | Tactical Combat Force |
TDY | Temporary Duty Station |
TECHINT | Technical Intelligence |
TENCAP | Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities |
TF | Task Force |
TFI | Total Family Income |
TFR | Terrain Following Radar |
TG | Task Group |
TIALD | Target Identification Airborne Laser Designation |
TIC | Target Information Center |
TMA TRICARE | Management Activity |
TO | Theater of Operations |
TOA | Table of Allowance |
TOF | Time of Flight |
TOT | Time on Target |
TOW | Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-Guided |
TQ | Tactical Questioning |
TRANSCOM | Transportation Command |
TRANSEC | Transmission Security |
TRAP | Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel |
TRICARE | Military Health Care Program |
TRP | Target Reference Point |
TRV | Tank Recovery Vehicle |
TSOC | Theater Special Operations Command |
TSP | Thrift Savings Plan |
TSSAM | Tri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile |
TTT | Time to Target |
TU | Task Unit |
UA | Unmanned Aircraft |
UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UCAV | Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle |
UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
UCP | Unified Command Plan |
UCX | Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers |
UETF | Unified Exchange Task Force |
UHF | Ultra-High Fequency (300MHz to 3 GHz) |
UIC | Unit Identification Code |
UJTL | Universal Joint Task List |
ULN | Unit Line Number |
UN | United Nations |
USAAC | United States Army Air Corps |
USAAF | United States Army Air Forces |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFE | United States Air Force in Europe |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
USERRA | Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act |
USFHP | U.S. Family Health Plan |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMTF | United States Message Text Format |
USN | United States Navy |
USNS | United States Naval Ship |
USW | Undersea Warfare |
UTC | Unit Type Code |
UXO | Unexploded Explosive Ordnance |
V/STOL | Vertical or Short Take-Off and Landing |
VA | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
VA | Vulnerability Assessment |
VANF | VA National Formulary |
VBIED | Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device |
VDU | Visual Display Unit |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration |
VHF | Very High Frequency (3 to 300MHz) |
VI | visual information |
VISA | Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement |
VISN | Veterans Integrated Service Network |
VistA | Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture |
VSEL | Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering LTD |
VSO | Veteran Service organization |
VTAS | Voice, Throttle and Stick |
VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing |
WARM | Wartime Reserve Modes |
WARNORD | Warning Order |
WEZ | Weapon Engagement Zone |
WG | Working Group |
WIC | Women, Infants and Children |
WLG | Washington Liaison Group |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WO | Warrant Officer |
WSO | Weapon System Operator (or Weapon System Officer) |
XO | Executive Officer |
YOS | Years of Service |
The DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms should be used for sourcing the approved Department of Defense (DOD) terminology for general use by all DOD components.