DOD Releases Revised Tuition Assistance Memorandum

Updated: January 6, 2013
In this Article

    The DoD released a revised Memorandum of Understanding (TA MOU) which provides new instructions to all educational institutions participating in the Tuition Assistance program.  The new version of the DoD MOU strengthens oversight, enforcement and accountability, provides guidelines for education institutions receiving Tuition Assistance funding and supports and increases protections to service members. Details of the MOU instruct all institutions providing high school completion and post secondary education programs through the Department of Defense TA program to sign the new DoD MOU.

    The TA Memorandum of Understanding requires that all institutions provide service members as much help as possible including an education plan that details required courses, evaluates military credits and how they apply to a degree, do not have deceptive marketing practices and information about financial options.

    The main purpose of the revised MOU is to protect service members and to ensure they receive a quality education.

    The Pentagon Channel highlights the new Memorandum of Understanding (TA MOU) in this video.


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