Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
Updated: December 24, 2022The U.S. Army Continuing Education System (ACES) program was designed to “promote lifelong learning, readiness, and resilience” through education programs aimed at soldiers, family members, and civilian employees of the Army.
The ACES program is, according to online documents on the Army official site, managed by the Army Human Resources Command, Continuing Education Division. It’s authorized by Army regulations and is offered at all levels–active duty, Guard, and Reserve.
ACES programs and services are listed at the official site, but soldiers, civilians, and family members can also get information at any Army Education Center.
ACES is sometimes listed on Army official sites as the Army Continuing Education System Division; education offices at Army bases provide ACES programs and services under this “umbrella” and ACES program offerings are sometimes described by Army officials as the function of the division rather than a separate program.
ACES Confusion?
Army official sites can be confusing when referring to ACES. One U.S. Army site describes ACES as follows while referring to other programs, name changes for existing ACES options, etc.:
“The Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers (ACCESS), under the Vice Provost for Learning Systems, Army University, is formerly referred to as the Army Continuing Education Division (ACED). ACCESS promotes lifelong learning and sharpens the competitive edge of the Army now and for the Future Force.”
If You Need To Know More About ACES Options
ACCESS, ACED, or ACES? There isn’t a definitive resource from the U.S. Army at press time, and links from to the ACES official takes the viewer to a broken link.
What follows is the best information currently available about ACES, but those interested in learning more should contact their base Army Education Center to learn the current disposition of the ACES program, training opportunities, and options for civilians and family members.
Before You Start
If you do not have access or have not set up an account at GoArmyEd, you should do so before exploring your ACES options or related programs. This is useful far beyond the need for ACES programs or training; tuition assistance, managing your military education records and training, and much more are possible via the GoArmyEd portal.
The Army Continuing Education System And Soldier Development
According to current documentation on Army official sites, one important area ACES specializes in is what the Army terms “soldier development”. There is a variety of training program options under ACES that include both on-duty and after-hours military education:
- Functional Academic Skills Training: four programs to assist soldiers who want to improve their skills in a variety of areas including reading, public speaking, mathematics, writing, and computer skills
- High School Completion Program: assists soldiers who need an opportunity to earn a high school diploma or equivalent
- English-as-a-Second Language: offered either on-duty or off-duty at a permanent duty station assignment
- Mission-Required Language Training: an on-duty program offering mission-related foreign language skills and/or refresher training
Such programs are not the only ones offered under ACES, but they are a good idea of what soldiers can expect in this area. When signing up for these or other ACES programs, counselors are available to help soldiers establish educational goals and learn what other ACES options exist.
The Army official site advises soldiers to contact their nearest servicing Army education center to schedule or receive such counseling.
Other ACES Options
Soldier training listed above is only one aspect of the ACES program, which also provides civilian employees and Army family members information and resources in the following areas:
- Education and Career Counseling
- Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation Services
- Leadership Development
- Tuition Assistance
- Career Management
- Transition Assistance
- Basic Skills Education
- Credentialing Assistance
Civilians and family members interested in these options should contact their nearest Army Education Center. You can search for the one nearest you via an online search resource provided by Basically an Army Education Office locator tool, you will find links to each individual education center. Via those links you will find contact phone numbers, email addresses, plus information on individual offerings at that Army base. There are both stateside and overseas base listings.
Joe Wallace is a 13-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter for Air Force Television News